JRMR “lucid lights.”

“lucid lights.” is an overwhelmingly immersive track where the genres of IDM intuitively meet experimental electronic music in a sprawling evolution of sonics. There’s no limit to how far this music can go, only your own limitation to imagine. For a single to achieve this level of expansion and multitude at the same time while pulling you in on an emotional and personal level only proves JRMR’s talent. He is an extraordinary composer with a vast imagination and a tranquil heart.

“lucid lights.” is a glitchy thrill ride you simply can’t get enough of, shimmering light and eclectic colors. It’s intensive and intricate, stimulating but tender. Through the depiction and deeper immersion of chaos and dissonance, he’s in honest communication with you, where suddenly, you just know that someone feels what you feel and knows there’s light in the end.

The solo act of JRMR first emerged from YouTube as a channel for instrumentals. It soon gains momentum, and as the artist further progresses into his musical career, his breakout mixtape Soul is Dead is a hit with over 20,000 organic streams. Following up, the critically acclaimed “wind dust” not broadened the reach of his music, but also earned the song the title of an “ultimate ambient dream pop instrumental score” by A&R Factory.


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