Punk Head

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HANKY DARKO On the Making Of “pettyca$h”

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What was the creative process like for this particular "pettyca$h?"

A formative experience of what my sound is evolving into.
I wrote "pettyca$h" in good fun and wanting to purposefully showcase Pop Punk as my biggest influence in music, but also ties to Trap/Hip Hop.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in "pettyca$h?"

Lyrical themes revolve round love and friendships, the coming and going of the two.

The title "pettyca$h" speaks on people that do things for cash and are voiding themselves of fun in the process.

How did you work with the producer or engineers to bring your vision for "pettyca$h" to life?

HANKY DARKO is entirely self-produced, mixed and mastered. I ended up doing almost 50 different mixes to then finally settle on the final version. I wanted to ensure the vocals and guitar parts were the most prominent in the mix.

The song originating from a riff HANKY DARKO had written months earlier to the birth of "pettyca$h".

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

HANKY DARKO is from Sydney, Australia and has been obsessing with music since he was young. First learning bass and playing in different metal core/hardcore bands in his teens.
Pursuits of music production were more intensely made in 2019 and continued on to the debut release of HANKY DARKO in February 2023.

How do you approach collaborations with other musicians or artists?

I am open to any sort of collaboration to anyone who shows a true passion for what they do! I'm happy to provide beats for anyone that would like to collaborate.

No genre is limited! DM on instagram to collab.

