Elliot Szabo “Brave”

Inspired by the odyssey of self discovery, Brave is a record of honest songwriting and rich storytelling. The record sparks introspection and life. From the darkest place burst strength and bravery. Elliot Szabo is an artist whose music will bring tears into your eyes. There’s strength in simply asking the questions of no answers, and for the people who are struggling and listening, knowing that they are not alone sometimes is just what it takes to save a life. Brave is a record with meanings and life stories.

On his personal quest to search the meaning of being an artist, Szabo discovers that his mission lies in writing for the people. His sounds are warm, his vocals are heartfelt, soaring through the storms, breaking the sunshine into your life. Catharsis and epiphany sparks through the songs. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, his music is being activated, awakened, renewed and reborn. What doesn’t kill you make you stronger. If you’re looking for a record to sit with, to contemplate with, or to just keep you warm, Brave is the one for you.

Read our interview below with Szabo, where we talk about his struggles, the challenges of making this record and his inspirations.

Punk Head: I love how vulnerable ‘Brave' is. What's the inspiration behind the album?

Elliot Szabo: The album was partially inspired by my struggle with depression after a suicide attempt. I wrote the song ‘Brave’ specifically about the experience after I was released from the hospital and feeling very unsure of myself.

The rest of the album was almost this whole journey of self discovery of what it meant to be an artist. I spent a week in Marfa, TX just writing and visiting these amazing places filled with art, and really understood for the first time in my life what it meant to be someone who creates for other people.

After a trip to Memphis to run in the Elvis 5K, we stopped in Muscle Shoals, AL and on the drive home, I decided I wanted to cut all these songs there. I called Gary Coeveny (Bass) and Jason Achilles and asked if they wanted to spend a week in Alabama making a record. They agreed and that set the wheels in motion.

PH: What was your creative process in making 'Brave'?

ES: Honestly, I come up with most of my song ideas in the shower, so in the mornings I have to have everything ready before I even get in, pen, paper, songwriting apps, etc. Songs will go through a rewrite or two, depending on how much promise I think they show. I'll take the best, and do a scratch recording, laying down different parts to give an idea for how I see the music, sometimes a very simple one, and sometimes going through a full scratch production.

Once we decided on a studio all the scratch songs and charts were sent to Gary, Jason and Daniel. Once we started recording it was really just me sitting back and letting them do their thing. I took the approach that any direction needed to be much more, hey this is what this song is about and this is the feeling we're trying to evoke and then trusting them as musicians to get it there.

PH: What has been one of the most significant moments of your musical journey so far?

ES: I would say this record is by far my biggest musical accomplishment to date. It was a huge collaborative effort with a group of very talented people, and bringing them all together to give you the record you hear today was a massive accomplishment.

PH: What do you aim to accomplish in the near future?

ES: I plan to continue promoting the album for the foreseeable future, on radio and tour, but I have also started writing new material as well.

PH: What is the one thing that you’d like your fans to know about you?

ES: I would like fans to know that they are always first when whenever I do anything. From albums to live shows and merch I’m always thinking about what the fans would want, and how to give them an experience that’s worth either their time or money.


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