Punk Head

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cancel. On the Making Of “Paper Plane”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "Paper Plane?"

The genesis of "Paper Plane" can be traced back to a moment of introspection and nostalgia. I was reminded of my childhood when I used to fold paper planes with such innocence and joy, without thinking about the future and the problems. This simple yet profound act of creating something from a blank sheet of paper struck me as a metaphor for life's journey, full of unexpected twists and turns. It was this thought that served as the initial spark for the song, as I sought to capture the essence of life's unpredictability and the bittersweet beauty of fleeting moments. The lyrics depict a sense of unresolved confusion after an ended relationship. The monotonous text at the end of the song serves as an accountability, signifying that neither party in the relationship can be blamed for the events of the past.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for "Paper Plane?"

The recording process itself happened quite swiftly. I had just moved into a new apartment where I set up a studio, and this was the first song I wrote there. The structure of the song came together in a single night, lyrics included, and from there, it was a matter of refining it. In terms of the song's style, I aimed to depart from the hip-hop and jazzy elements I had previously explored and give the song a new, untested flavor. I tried to make the vocals more melodic, and the instrumental parts much more natural, with the dominant instrument being the bass guitar. It's interesting how a new living space and a fresh start can evoke such emotions within me, making it perhaps easier to let go of some past issues.

How does "Paper Plane" fit into your overall artistic vision, and what can listeners expect from you in the future?

"Paper Plane" holds a special place within my broader artistic vision as it represents a synthesis of my desire to convey profound emotions through music. It's a testament to my belief in the power of storytelling through songwriting and the ability of music to connect with people on a deep, emotional level. Looking ahead, listeners can expect a continuation of this theme in my future work. I aim to explore a diverse range of human experiences and emotions, delving into the complexities of life and relationships. My commitment to authenticity and emotional depth will remain constant, ensuring that my music continues to resonate with those who seek meaningful and heartfelt compositions.

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in music?

My relationship with music began in my childhood. I was enrolled in a music school from an early age, which provided me with a wealth of musical experiences over the years. I always felt like an outsider among my peers because I was solely focused on music. I was 14 when we formed my first band, and over the years, I've been a part of several other bands, some of which achieved varying degrees of success. Since then, I've been on stage, where I feel much more at home than in the real world.

My journey in music began as a form of personal expression and solace during my early years. Growing up, I found that music provided a unique channel through which I could process my thoughts and emotions. I started by learning to play an instrument and soon began writing my own songs as a way to articulate my inner world.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

My music is deeply rooted in the exploration of my experiences. I strive to convey a range of emotions and stories through my songs, touching on themes of love, loss, resilience, and the myriad of emotions that make us human. At its core, my music aims to be a source of comfort, reflection, and connection for listeners. I want my songs to resonate with people on a personal level, to remind them of the shared experiences that bind us together as a global community. Through my music, I hope to inspire introspection, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the complex tapestry of human existence.

