Blind Man’s Daughter On the Making Of ‘Sundressed’

How does 'Sundressed' reflect your musical journey and growth as a band?

‘Sundressed’ is our debut album. We have all been in music for several years but this is by far the most success we have had. It is so exciting to be in a place where we can explore complex themes and intricate musical lines. Lyrically, I could not have written this album until now.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in 'Sundressed?'

The lyrics are about my life and are deeply personal. I use nature and space themes as metaphors for my own life and journey.

Which song do you like the best and why?

“Nights Fall” is my favorite.

I explore these themes:
It represents the idea that every night brings a fresh start, a chance to reset and begin anew. The Night Falling is really about a new day dawning, When nights fall, days begin. This symbolizes personal growth or the opportunity to overcome challenges.

The lyrics heavily draw upon elements of nature, such as the stars, the moon, and the night sky. This connection to nature symbolizes a search for meaning. Lines like "moon seize my heart" and "believe in life that shines" hint at emotional depth and a longing for something meaningful. It also refers to the vastness of the universe and how surely the light that I see will be seen by other eyes, near other stars far away in time and space.

References to "years away from this other time" and "take me to the future, speak to me the past" indicate a contemplation of time and its passage. This reflects nostalgia for the past, anticipation for the future, or a desire to learn from history. Individual Journey: Phrases like "arch my soul" and "time will fill my heart" suggest my personal journey of transformation. The night sky represents a canvas upon which emotions and experiences are played out. The lines "take me to the future" and "my own star in the sky" are about how life and light never die, light lives on in another time, travels out into space and perhaps another set of eyes will see the same light years in the future. I also love the vocal melody of this song, I feel it deeply.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

I have never always been a musician, for as long as I can remember. It is who I am.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Personal experience, outer space, sunrises, night time, day time, life, life is the best inspiration, everywhere.....





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