Audri On the Making Of ‘Sugar For The Flies’

What was the creative process like for this particular 'Sugar For The Flies?'

I wrote these songs pretty far apart. I wrote “Girl In Blue” when I was a teenager. I've written a lot of songs, so it was a pretty easy process. I listened to the list and chose the ones that I thought fit well together. These four songs flowed really well.

Were there any challenges or breakthrough moments during the songwriting process for 'Sugar For The Flies?'

Songwriting no, recording yes. The vocals for “Sensational” were very difficult. I decided to re-record them, which delayed the release. I didn’t want the vocals lost with how wordy and rhythmic the song is. I think I got it to a good place.

What are you most proud about 'Sugar For The Flies?'

I write and produce my songs. This release has the best production value yet, in my opinion. I also like orchestral sounds and strings. I'm really proud of how the strings turned out on “Sensational.” 

Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?

I’ve been writing songs since I was in elementary school. I learned how to play and how to write music on my own. I’m lucky, because I’ve met some cool people, and I get to experience the music process without formal training. 

How do you balance crafting relatable stories with maintaining your unique voice as a songwriter?

My stories aren’t usually about me, but the emotions behind them are. The most special thing about music is how it speaks to people. If I can connect emotionally with my music, I figure somebody else can too. 





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