Veg. “Sarah!”

“Sarah!” introduces listeners to the new epic world of Banana Break—the debut EP from Veg., a fast budding band that is beginning making a name in the rock n art community. “Sarah!” signals a new age and proves that they are the kind of artists who thrive on authenticity and artistry.

To move forward, they rediscovered themselves and realized potentials in their past work. In an age of fast food and chain stores, everyone is moving faster than ever, seeking the next great idea, not realizing the power in what they already had. Even as a band on a fast-moving train to the top, Veg. doesn’t betray their heart and vision to deliver meaningful music that evoke and inspire change.

“Sarah!,” a song in conversation with their first single “Technology,” pushes the convo further into questioning the current societal norms. From social media, substance abuse, clock-logged life to existential crisis. Their musics runs parallel and consciously along the world we live in.

Thought-provoking lyrics paired with punch-throwing backdrops in half drizzled half illusive state, “Sarah!” sees them even louder and more then ever confrontational. There’s no holding back in this song, creatively and aesthetically.

“Sarah!” Is a reflective yet cathartic experience. She’s someone who’d prefer quick results rather than building something meaningful. She’s the one who lives on partying while others passed out. It’s easy to judge her and look away than asking the question why. In a way, we are all Sarah. Hiding the gaze from the abyss in booze, social media and cheap comedy.

“Sarah!” bears a dark undertone, but its warm production and sharp confrontation makes it a track for change but one to drown.


Matt DeAngelis “Can't Write About Today”


Alex Nauva “Fever Part I”