Spence Paull “Bergamo”

Love doesn’t happen very often, especially the ones that push us outside our little box. With an eclectic blend of floral aura, jazzy phantom and euphoric atmosphere, Spence Puall captured a moment in love. At the time of writing the song, she has flown to Italy to meet a woman who she had never met but fallen deeply in love with. Following her heart, she saw with her own eyes, for the first time, the apartments that have been in the background and the city that she had dreamed of. Pulsating, fluttering of both nervousness and excitement, Paull takes the listeners along to “Bermago,” where the sensual taste of that unusual love is fresh and amplified.

The soundscapes evolve so cinematically, as if there’s a camera following you, capturing both the ever-changing scenic beauty and every string of your thought. Like on the move. The thumping staccato in the backdrop feels like a nervous heart and the sound of a freight train, moving closer and closer to where the heart desires. Paull’s unique blend of musical theatre, jazz, pop and retro aesthetic shines so brightly in “Bergamo.” It’s refreshing and raw, mood-filled and uplifting. For everyone in love or out of love, “Bermago” will permeate your whole senses and immerse you with its high.

Inspired by the most stunning experience in life, the Canadian singer-songwriter is currently working on a string of releases. Read our interview below, where we talk about all things music and love related.

Punk Head: I love the nuance of spontaneity, hope, and heart race that is wrapped up in the storytelling. When did you first have the idea for the song?

Paull: I met this girl on Hinge while I was in Vancouver, Canada, and she was in Bergamo, Italy. We instantly clicked, and weekly calls turned into everyday calls, which turned into all-day calls. It was inevitable that we needed to meet, so after 6 months of chatting on FaceTime, I flew to Italy to meet her. It was surreal meeting in person for the first time, and seeing her city and her apartment, which I had only seen in the background of FaceTime calls until that point. I was so inspired by the entire story, that I wrote “Bergamo” to encapsulate my feelings at that moment.

PH: What do you like the best about this track?

Paull: I love the nods to the 70s style, mixed with modern production and a big band feel in the bridge! Of course, I also love the lyrics because they describe exactly how I was feeling when we first met.

PH: What motivates you as an artist?

Paull: Making great art that people can connect to on a human level. I think songs that resonate with people—the ones where you think, “damn, were they in my head?! How did they know exactly how I was feeling?!”—those are the songs that stand the test of time because they are so real. I’m constantly motivated to write lyrics that are raw, and unapologetic, and set those lyrics to melodies that get stuck in your head.

PH: Who are your biggest inspirations?

Paull: Musically, my biggest inspirations are producers that keep pushing the envelope, like FINNEAS. I’m also inspired by lyricists that can capture emotion in unique ways, like Taylor Swift and Bernie Taupin. But in terms of what (or who) inspires me to write and create, I’d say it’s the real and raw emotions we experience. I’m always trying to capture an experience in new and enticing ways. Sometimes, that’s really scary because I’m exposing a side of myself that I otherwise wouldn’t, but that’s also what brings us closer together as musicians and music lovers.

PH: What would you like to say to your fans out there?

Paull: Thank you so much for your love and support. I genuinely could not do this without you, and I am constantly blown away by the outpouring of love you show my music! We’re just getting started, and I can’t wait for you to hear everything I’ve been working on!


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