Punk Head

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Louis Cross “I Don't Know”

Louis Cross is a versatile and stylish artist, who knows how to surprise his listeners with wickedly charming tunes always carry a twist of folk-inspired storytelling. “I Don’t Know” is somewhere between groovy blues bar and Bob Dylan. It’s dynamic, smoky and infectious. Clashing percussion continues to heat up the vibe while the reoccurring inquiries feel like spiraling down an abyss.

Cross definitely knows how to sweep you off your feet with his music. It’s half drunken and half lucid. The arrangement feels focused and introverted. Even though with a full band, Cross’s music still has the intimate touch to it, giving you something to savor while moving your hips. “I Don’t Know” talks about redemption and giving back to community after past mistakes.

The storytelling has a distinct folksy, singer-songwriter vibe to it, but the smashing influences in there enrich the texture, weaving into this humid and humorous sound with something soulful and graceful. It’s got a little bit of everything in it that you just have to dive deeper and deeper to discover. Cross has really found his way of expressing and embracing the quirks and uniqueness within songform. He creates the kind of music that doesn’t lose its soul or forget its true north while delivering a catchy, melodic pop sound.

“I Don’t Know” is quite an interesting addition to the artist’s song log. It changes something up and experiments a little. There’s a taste of fun and daredevil like attitude in there somewhere that feels liberating, but just like the reoccurring “I don’t know” in the chorus, the song is all about the contemplation and journey rather than hitting the destination.