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Kristen Plati “Break My Heart Again”

Fierce, dynamic, and intense — that’s the first impression “Break My Heart Again” gives you. Kristen Plati showcases her expressively soulful vocal on the track that instantly draws listeners in. There’s gospel and melancholy in her voice at times, but the chorus sees the artist’s true potential as she sets free the energy and power in her voice. She can be explosive and wild, just as she can be poignant and vibrant.

“Break My Heart Again” combines the vibrantly vivid sonic palette with wildness and raw power. The dynamic song features spirited sonic elements and an 80s-inspired beats that balance between passion and nostalgia. Then there’s the wrenching emotional intensity the track explores. It hits hard and hits deep. Kristen Plati is definitely an artist that impresses you with her track.

It’s very fascinating just how much surprise you’ll find with one single track. The opening is quirky and lighthearted as if a ringtone, but then, Plati intertwines the same melodic fairies with retro beat, and it immediately changes the way you perceive the song. Once you experience it, it’s hard to look at it the same way. The listening experience of “Break My Heart Again” feels like a journey that constantly recontexualize the past. Then her powerhouse vocal delivery at the climax of the track feels so cathartic and well-deserved.

“Break My Heart Again” is like a flame with unlimited potential. It seems that Kristen Plati’s smooth and effortless delivery is very evocative. She seems to remind you of different genres and influences organically, just the way she is, like a hint that feels really familiar but without trace. It’s clear that the artist has so much potential and there are many fascinating things in the track left to explore.