Punk Head

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Hannah Flora “Hate Sex”

Moody, immersive indie backdrop against hook-filled, cathartic melodies, Hannah Flora draws you into the intimate, immersive sonic space of “Hate Sex.” Her raw, confessional lyricism hits hard. Haunting, intimate, atmospheric, and expressive, her music is like the brain child of Phoebe Bridgers and Lana Del Rey. Melodically, she reminds you of another southern mastermind—Taylor Swift.

Like a drive down a messy, emotive road of truth, embracing the mess sets the heart free. “Hate Sex” is evocative and highly relatable. The singer-songwriter describes the track as a temper tantrum smothered in despair. While working through a consuming love turned toxic, “Hate Sex” peels off the exterior of pretense, exposing the raw, unfiltered truth, anger, and frustration that is just so relatable.

Instead of having the track progress into a noise-coiled explosion, “Hate Sex” sees the buildup being elevated to a sonically catharsis that dives down and sees through the despair and the burning struggling, giving listeners a true therapeutic experience rather than having a pure emotional reaction. Flora leaves a piece of herself in “Hate Sex,” along the shifting thoughts she had while dealing with a toxic love, but in the end, no matter the mess and the heartbreak, she manages to channel such a transparent, honest, and emotional liberating experience to her listeners.