Colorfuzz “At First Sight”

A bit messy, a load of explosiveness, swirling, swelling, and spinning into an expanding psychedelic vision where it melts into your heart and becomes part of your existence. Permeating, that’s the kind of experience that Colorfuzz gives you on “At First Sight.” His vocal is layered, dubbed, and distorted into part of the soundscape, where it’s vast and immersive. The bass line, on the other hand, carries out the melodic lead — that’s something you don’t hear every day.

Colorfuzz brings a very refreshing touch to the already genre-bending neo-psychedelic, in which his sound keeps on evolving and expanding. It’s unapologetic, flashing, and glorious, but at the same time, it delivers an immediate, poignant feel that feels quite sudden and deep. Just like where it gets its inspiration, “At First Sight” strings from a fleeting connection that leaves a strong impression.

It’s impressive how much the music could linger in your head even after the song has ended. Though it’s never constant, you could never truly forget that illusive, emotive smash of sounds and color palettes. “At First Sight” makes a strong debut release from colorfuzz, who is still experimenting and taking his sound into unexplored territories.

One thing that really stick out about the track is how authentic and original it sounds. It’s raw and honest in the way it’s created and envisioned. There’s less traceable references in there though everything about the track hit deep and hard. It’s a rare talent to create something that’s sonically so unique in an already crowded music scene, but colorfuzz definitely has a sound that’s unlike others. It evokes something in you and it makes you question what you already know, and that’s the beauty in it.


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