Zerzsez On the Making Of “BATB”

What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of "BATB?"

Oddly enough, my favorite daytime soap is The Bold And The Beautiful haha! I wanted to write a song that delivered an overall positive message in general regarding the importance of self-empowerment, and having a positive self-image.

Can you talk about the recording and production process for this track?

The overall process for creating the song happened very quickly, which is usually not the norm for me! I went in with no expectations, just to have fun and see what I could create. I recorded the song here at my home studio over the course of a couple late night sessions. With creating the beat, I just wanted to have fun and create something that was original. I wanted to make sure that there was enough variation so that listeners wouldn't get bored, but also not become overloaded. It was just a straight VIBE when I was laying the tracks and beats down, which is always a good sign!

What did you enjoy most about making "BATB?"

I'm sure most musicians can relate when creating a song, to what I like to call the eureka moment! That moment when the stars align and it all just works, that it is good to go, and I felt strongly when the track was complete! I'm a perfectionist, so sometimes it takes way longer for the stars to align for me, but when it does, it's just magical. I love when everything comes together in the process.

Can you share a bit about your musical background and the journey that led you to where you are today?

I've been creating and releasing music since writing my first song back in my college dorm room in 2003! I had so many inspirations, from Punk Rock, Metal, Rap, to Chicago House, that I wanted to create my own tunes! At the time, alot of music sounded the same, and I just wanted to create different music that I'd be ok with listening to haha! I've always been a huge music fan. It just provides a nice creative outlet for me.

Can you walk us through your creative process when writing and composing music?

I will typically come up with a general theme to write about, whether it be from personal experiences, or just from how I'm feeling in general, and just start writing down lyrics. Once I'm ok with the overall lyrics, then comes the fun part of me just creating a handful of different beats. From there I'll pick the best one that I feel will mesh best with it, and then I'll lay down the vocals. Since being a self-proclaimed perfectionist like I mentioned, I probably do way more takes than I need to haha, and go with the best ones. Then once I have the vocals laid down, I'll arrange everything in my DAW and the rest is history!





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