Feature: 4FOXSAKE Decodes “Pushing 30”

Credit: simonapenevaphoto

What was the creative process like for this particular song?

The song was brought to the band by Marios who does a lot of his writing when he is away on holiday. This one happened when he was home in Cyprus, he had just turned 30.

He showed the song to Augustin who suggested the melody and structure of the chorus. The main riff is something that Marios has had in his back pocket for years, he was very pleased to finally be able to use it in a song.

Overall, the song is inspired by classic rock tracks such as "Holiday" by Scorpions merged with more recent influences such as Green day’s American idiot era.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for "Pushing 30?"

It was a recording session for a full album so there were many stand out moments! It was all very hectic as we only had 3 weeks to complete 10 songs!

For P30 some of the parts were written on the spot such as the lead guitar for the intro and outro as well as most of the backing vocals. We do like to put pressure on ourselves.

How do you feel "Pushing 30" represents your artistic identity?

It is very close to what we would consider to be “our sound”. It incorporates big riffs, anthemic and melodic choruses, as well as emotion filled vocals.

It is also our first softer approach with an acoustic intro in an almost “rock ballad” vibe.

Are there any specific themes or messages that you aim to convey through your music?

Most of our songs relate to where we are in our lives. As “young adults” we are facing some very personal challenges that we must overcome. The usual suspects being anxiety, feeling that you are not enough and of course getting older. These are challenges everyone will have to face and if our music can inspire people to keep fighting on then it’s mission accomplished!

How do you continuously grow and evolve as a band?

You just have to keep going! Evolution is natural and it is not something you should force.

As long as we are together, we are motivated and the band will keep living and evolving however it pleases.





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