Feature: Dream Pony Decodes ‘SUSPICION TODAY’

What was the creative process like for this particular album?

Jordan (Australian Poet / Songwriter): Essentially we just met up at the studio and ran the tape and banged them out one after the other until we were happy with them. The songs were already written but some of the nuances and kinks needed to be ironed out while others were intentionally left intact.

Were there any memorable or standout moments during the recording sessions for 'SUSPICION TODAY?'

Re-working “Wild and True” as a song and finishing it was quite memorable. It's an old one I had been kicking around for some time. We had made the decision to set the verses in a more walking, talking rocking kind of way and the choruses in a sort of waltz dancing style. That was a fun exercise and satisfying.

Can you talk about any standout tracks on 'SUSPICION TODAY' and what makes them special to you?

I am especially fond of “Sunday Suits” as it was a very old poem I had written and chord progression I had been working on for some time so it was magical for it to come to life in front of us. Also, “Synthetic Love” was a fun one too, there are some ways of talking to yourself within it that I quite enjoy.

How did your band members initially come together?

Well actually Rocio our producer put us together, she knew us both from other bands and introduced Aaron and I. We went out for beers and chatted a bit and decided we wanted to make the album together. The next time we were both free she called us up and said the studio was free so we met up and started the record. I didn't know what songs to bring in I was super nervous and the whole thing was very surreal.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Everywhere and anywhere that presents itself. Alot takes place walking or at the strangest moments like waking up to it or in the middle of doing something completely unrelated. The really challenging part is being ready and open to receive things without judgment when they present themselves. Things like this are gifts and you gotta be thankful for them.





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