Artist Spotlight: Meet Gamma Rage

What was the creative process like for this particular album?

Chris: Most of the songs on this album I've been kicking around for quite a while but was never able to complete since I don't write lyrics or sing. When I started jamming with Malyssa I knew I'd found the missing pieces to the puzzles. Once she layered her vocal melodies on stop, the songs finally felt complete.

Could you discuss the lyrical themes or messages conveyed in 'Gamma Rage?'

Malyssa: The themes in ‘Gamma Rage’ are quite diverse, each track delving into its own unique narrative or emotion. “Crimes,” for example, tells the story of a vigilante serial killer, while “Scorcher” takes listeners on a surreal, unpredictable trip. “Gloom” is deeply personal—devastating-raw emotion. For “SCP 3000,” Mike D introduced the concept, and before writing the chorus, I found myself completely immersed in hours of research on this mythical creature. “Wake Me” taps into the crushing despair many of us felt during lockdown, while “Duncehall” touches on a kind of psychosis—a wild yearning to be abducted by aliens, hearing their voices, actually inspired by a jam session! Life can be an emotional roller coaster and our experiences can take us on wild ride - these are the times that resonate!

Which song(s) from the album do you think best represents your artistic vision?

Malyssa: This is a tough one. We actually have a tremendous amount of jams. We could sit in a room for a year and not get to develop everything. Most of the songs that actually make it are compositions that Chris has either completed or are strong enough to jam out and structure quickly. As for this album - “Gloom,” “Crimes,” “Duncehall” and “Scorcher” continue to dominate our set lists!

Chris: Probably “Gloom” and “Duncehall.” I like how they are both heavy on groove, but also sort of catchy and singable.

Where do you find inspiration for your songs or musical ideas?

Malyssa: My lyrics usually come to me naturally. My mood plays a huge role in shaping what I write, although the vibe of the music can either flip this or take it deeper. I also have poems that I write randomly in notes on my phone. I may pull these out in a jam and ride some of the words when we improv. It’s almost like dreaming though at times, things you absorb, are exposed to will find an escape through telling a story lyrically just as your subconscious mind cleanses itself via wild dreams. I do write from the heart, but it’s not all autobiographical- sometimes it is a story about something I have been exposed to - usually gripping enough to need a release.

Chris: I'm a total magpie when it comes to writing music. I listen to many different styles and try to incorporate the things I like about each into my own blend.

What do you enjoy most about performing live and connecting with your audience?

Malyssa: I love the energy of the crowd when playing live shows. Seeing people get into our music is exciting.

Chris: I don't love performing live. I'm more of a studio rat. But I do love the instant feedback a live performance provides. It's always interesting to see which songs connect and move people.





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